Slide doors

Sliding doors are often used in healthcare institutions. That is why Van Vuuren has developed a lightweight door. The door is very light and suitable for high usage intensity. This makes it even easier to open a door, for everyone.

image light door

Product Specification

Download one of the PicoLight product sheets down below:


UK-PicoLight-SlideDoor-Primer Coated

The product sheets may change. Please visit our website for the most recent version.

PicoLight_HPL_incl. schuifsysteem_3D
PicusElement - Logo - Van Vuuren

A single and complete door concept

A single, certified concept for door, frame and fittings. With PicusElement, we offer an all-in-one solution. By carefully selecting prime quality products, your bespoke door set is created. Easy, quick and delivered to your doorstep.

Van Vuuren. Voor deurconcepten.

Want to know more about slide doors? Call Hans Brinksma.

+31 (0)566 623 737

Slide door application
