Smoke seal doors

Smoke protection is becoming increasingly important in addition to fire resistance. Sa and S200 certified doors prevent cold or hot smoke from spreading to other rooms.

A door closer and a triangular edge profile in the frame are specific product characteristics for a Sa certified door. The addition of a drop seal makes a door S200 standard compliant.

image smoke door

Download here an overview of all available options:

The product sheets may change. Please visit our website for the most recent version.

PicusElement - Logo - Van Vuuren

A single and complete door concept

A single, certified concept for door, frame and fittings. With PicusElement, we offer an all-in-one solution. By carefully selecting prime quality products, your bespoke door set is created. Easy, quick and delivered to your doorstep.

VanVuuren- 940x627-Rookwerend
Colleague Brian Hoeksema

Want to know more about smoke seal doors? Call Brian Hoeksema.

+31 (0)566 623 737

Smoke seal door application
